Christine Smallwood has been probing some of our Enfield Food Festival heroes with her Hothouse Q + A. In the hot seat today, Kate Smith of Holtwhites Bakery ...
Photos: Dan Bone
Who is your food hero?
Keith Floyd
What was the first dish or food that you cooked regularly?
I started cooking when I became a vegetarian and I was told that if I wanted to be a vegetarian I had to cook for myself. So probably a nut roast from the Crank’s recipe book.
Outside of reality, in a world where anything is possible, who would you most like to cook you a meal, and where?
If it’s a cookery writer, I’d go for Patricia Wells who I absolutely love and she can cook for me at her home in the south of France.
Your favourite vegetable and way of eating it?
Something like PSB with some sort of anchovy butter that I might use for asparagus
Do you have a cheap, mass-produced food that is far from good for you, but that you find hard to resist?
I love crisps. Ready salted, and in Spain you get the ones at the churros stands so they’re cooked in olive oil and quite oily but I think they’re really good, and we sell some Spanish ones here. But I will eat any crisp and any new flavour of crisp that I haven’t had before.
Are you a messy or a tidy cook?
I’m a tidy cook. I don’t like to have too much clutter around me.
Click here for Holtwhites Bakery's Kate Smith's Q + A
Richard will be baking pizza for you to sample in the Vineyard on Sunday from midday - do join him! Line up here.